County Obstetrics & Gynecology

County Obstetrics & Gynecology

(636)  680-1960


 “Congratulations on your recent pregnancy and the beginning of a WONDERFUL NEW CHAPTER in your life!”

Thank you for choosing County Obstetrics & Gynecology for your OB care. We are excited to guide you through one of the most amazing and fulfilling times in your life. Our top priority is to ensure that you have a safe, healthy and joyful journey through your pregnancy.

We have provided the following information to serve as a guide for you through your pregnancy. You will find that this material will be valuable resource for you to reference. However, at any time should you have questions, please do not hesitate in contacting me or one of my partners.”

When should you schedule your first prenatal appointment?

Schedule your first appointment as soon as you know you’re pregnant or think you may be pregnant. 

Getting early medical care is essential to ensure you and your baby are healthy right from the start. It also gives you the opportunity to ask questions and get reliable advice about pregnancy. 

 Typically, we like to see patients at 8 weeks from your last period. This gives us the earliest opportunity to establish viability. Your first doctor’s appointment during pregnancy is just as important as the last, common occurring appointments helps keep your baby healthy and strong. It is never too late to schedule a prenatal doctor appointment during pregnancy.

Your first doctor’s appointment during pregnancy is just as important as the last, common occurring appointments helps keep your baby healthy and strong. It is never too late to schedule a prenatal doctor appointment during pregnancy.


For those of you who are new to County Obstetrics & Gynecology welcome! If you are a returning patient, welcome back! We look forward to working with you throughout your pregnancy and to providing you with excellent prenatal care.

Prenatal Visits

You will have approximately 13 visits during your pregnancy. These visits will entail:

  • 4 weeks until 28 weeks (Fetal heart tones can be first heard after 10 weeks)
  • 29 weeks until 36 weeks
  • 1 week until delivery (At this time, we will perform a cervical check for dilation weekly)

These visits will entail:

  1. Checking your weight and blood pressure
  2. Urinalysis testing
  3. Listening to fetal heart rate
  4. Measuring growth of the baby
  5. Answering any questions, you may have


You will have approximately 2 ultrasounds during your pregnancy:

  • First visit to confirm pregnancy
  • Anatomy ultrasound between 18-20 weeks

Most Insurance plans allow for only two ultrasounds during your pregnancy unless medically indicated.

FIRST Trimester

Conception to 12 weeks

SECOND Trimester

13 weeks to 26 weeks

THIRD Trimester

26 weeks to 40 weeks